CPRE Norfolk

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Norfolk Climate Change Conference

Virtual Climate Change Conference – Saturday, 31 October 2020 from 14:00-16:00

Applying lessons learnt from Coronavirus to Climate Change.

EDIT: The conference was recorded and can be viewed online HERE

Speaking points:
Why have we been able to respond to the coronavirus crisis so dramatically and change our behaviour?

Are there lessons to be learned from the pandemic that can be applied to climate change?

Will the rapid growth of renewables be enough to tackle the climate crisis or must far more be done?

Why would it be foolish to think scientists may be wrong and therefore we needn’t do anything to fight climate change?

How far should the UK lead the world in Co2 reduction & what can and should we do in Norfolk to reduce Co2 emissions and adapt to climate change?

6 eminent speakers including scientists and activists:

Pablo Salas Bravo, Jake Fiennes, Hayley Pinto, Jeff Price, Rupert Read & Philip Richardson.

Register your details and receive an invitation via the website: www.norfolkclimatechangeconference.co.uk

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