
Our cutting-edge, innovative research often lands us in the press and media, and we love generating debate.

If you are a member of the media with a press request, please contact our PR Manager at this email address. Our team of experts at Oxford Strategic Consulting are regularly called on to comment on topics of interest. Here is a list of our recent press and media appearances:

Oxford's targeted approach to Nationalisation

Three steps to maximise the potential of GCC family firms

Preparing 640,000 Emiratis for leadership roles

Three steps for smart training in the GCC

GCC millennials and the generation game in family firms

Generation Y: Do they want to work for you?

Utilising youth motivations to develop Qatari leaders

Adoption – a solution for family business succession

New leadership and corporate governance models needed for Qatari family firms

Utilising positive emotions in GCC family firms

Maximising female employment in Saudi Arabia

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