
Our cutting-edge, innovative research often lands us in the press and media, and we love generating debate.

If you are a member of the media with a press request, please contact our PR Manager at this email address. Our team of experts at Oxford Strategic Consulting are regularly called on to comment on topics of interest. Here is a list of our recent press and media appearances:

Saudi females more likely to ‘strive to achieve’ than males

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed proven right by OSC research on leadership

Online education targets female employment in Saudi Arabia

Boosting profitability and organisational effectiveness by 12% through HR excellence

How the UAE can become pioneers in global leadership

Driving superior business performance through employee engagement

GTAB Fellow appointed to prestigious QFC Regulatory Authority post

OSC explores Big Crew Change strategies

Gulf Leadership Style, example for leaders worldwide

Using the right honey to attract sweet local talent in Egypt’s oil & gas industry

New digitally-enabled learning strategies in the GCC

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